Friday, October 31, 2008

Jumping machine :)

So I have been on the new 16" jump height training for less than a month now and I am rocking! My mom is so proud of me, she says I am jumping great. We have been training pretty hard recently and mom is now talking about even re-training my weaves using 2x2's. She says that if they can help B to get his entry every time that maybe I can learn too. I have done just one day so far and was a bit confused but mom says she's not giving up on it. I will let you know how it goes. Aunt Andrea was so nice enough to take some video of me last night for everyone to see. The lighting isn't great in the arena but at least you can see how good I jump :)

On Sunday mom is taking Baxter and I to McCann's for a fun match :) I can't wait to play at the higher height in a more charged up environment. I will see if someone can video tape me and then I will post it...(the lighting there is much better!)

1 comment:

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey Abby...

Too dark ta really see ya in the video but we don't doubt that yer doin' swell in yer jumpin. Gram wishes that we can get inta that too....there are other wires in the Yahoo discussion group she belongs ta that do real well at it...who knew???? There's not too many wires doin' least not around here....we're the only ones in our club. Mom has ta work on the Senior tunnel and she didn't want ta go in it at all.....we have lots of work ta do.

Hope ya had fun at yer match.....and that ya had a Happy Halloween !!!!!

Dewey Dewster here.....